Legal recreational cannabis you really think LESS people are smoking pot when it's illegal, than when it is legal? No.

Im gonna have to disagree with this statement. Theres alot of people out there who do not smoke pot because of situations. Work, custody battles, etc etc.(just the 2 off the top of my head). And theres others that are just straight shooters and wont do it because its illegal. Legalize it, people that have never done it, will try it. Like if alcohol was illegal like pot. would u drink it and be looked down upon by society? NO, but now its legal and its a dashing fun time to drink. It seems that people are too into buying into statements they hear on T.V. or newspapers and b.s. statistics. Even if the numbers are there, they dont explain anymore into detail such as what sturd was saying. Once again, IMO

I only do the drugs that the government says its OK for me to do. That's the way it should be! They know what's best for me. I trust them.
I only do the drugs that the government says its OK for me to do. That's the way it should be! They know what's best for me. I trust them.

Dang it Bill that's not what im trying to say here. Im not a fan of the government or politics or nething along those lines
Up in smoke, that's where my money goes
In my lungs and sometimes up my nose

When troubled times begin to bother me
I take a toke and all my cares go up in smoke

Up in smoke, donde todos es mi rey
There are no signs, que dice no fumer
So I roll un "Bomber", y me doy, un buen toke-ay
Y despues I choke, y todos mis cares, go up in smoke

Come on let's go get high

Up in smoke, that's where I wanna be

'Cause when I'm high the world below don't bother me
When life begins to be one long and dangerous road

I take a toke and all my cares go up in smoke
I take a toke and all my cares go up in smoke

:) :) :) :)
I've been trying to stay outa this thread gab, but just too much fun to resist.

I understand people wanting to oppose legalization but me thinks most of them probably never indulged, or sampled once and swore never again. Most have the general public fears over it, and really don't understand it all comes down to the person, "the individual", and how they handle it all.

The world is full of ******* idiots out there who ruin it for all and give the Herb a bad rap. I'm also sure that many have had some bad experiences that ruined it for them to ever think or speak good of it as well. My sympathy to them.

But I see it a little differently.
First: I am not advocating it for the young nor want to glorify it in a way to build appeal. Period!

Second: I haven't toked in 25 years, but smoked a bunch in my day. I even often wonder how I would handle it today if I were still a party'er?

Third: Be real guys. Mary-J is not the devils drug. No more than alK-Hol is. Again it all comes down to how the person handles it , handles themselves, and how they conduct their lives.

I can guarantee you, there are people in everyones lives that indulge in smoke every once in a while, live perfectly normal lives, and very few would ever suspect they do it.

Furthermore, if truth were told, most of you would be shocked and amazed to find out how many policeman, medical professionals, Career Military folks, Politicians, Ministers, and any other professions you can think of occasionally toke and nobody ever finds out. Don't fool yourselves with this one, it's everywhere!

( Anybody remember President Bill Clinton: I party'd, but I never inhaled! Yeah right!!!!!! )

Fourth: Addiction........ Not that I've ever seen. A lot of people smoke for a long time, and then their life priorities change and they just quit doing it. New York times collumnist David Brooks aluded to this last week. Stated that many, or most just sort of grow out of that stage and set it aside. Ever see anyobody suffering from REEFER MADNESS? Nah, me either. :)

Driving under the enfluence: We always struggled with this one, cause we never got more than 12 miles per hour, were double handed white knuckled on the wheel, and was so parranoid that everone was watching us drive that we just parked and walked instead. It was just less stressfull to walk :) .

Anybody ever heard of the American indians being all jacked up and addicted to marijuana in the history books? They smoked a bunch of it, was part of their culture. "Peace Pipe" remember?

Yes......You will burn some brain Cells. But you'll have a blast doing it. ( Oh, and you'll eat a lot too! )

I'm not a drinker. Never really have been. I get hanghovers too easy, drinking gives me an instant headache, and I always puke on my shoes. Never got any of this with smoke. Booze always brought the worst side out of me.

I don't have time in my life for it now, but I sure miss those carefree fun days as a teenager and young adult. But I survived, moved on and a semi-educated productive family man working toward my retirement and having a blast staying fit and racing Motocross.

America will survive legalization.
If pot is so harmless and only mellows you out and legalization is just about letting your 15 year old daughter smoke it up for a night on the town. Just a bong or two ...maybe a joint. Then hit a party with other smokers and drinkers. Without any adults around , after all it will be in the house if its legal or at the store for purchase by her 18 year old boyfriend. To me that is a picture I don't want my kids involved in....
Its hard enough to raise kids today with the distractions of internet and cell phones. Why legalize pot. I believe it is a bad idea!
If pot is so harmless and only mellows you out and legalization is just about letting your 15 year old daughter smoke it up for a night on the town. Just a bong or two ...maybe a joint. Then hit a party with other smokers and drinkers. Without any adults around , after all it will be in the house if its legal or at the store for purchase by her 18 year old boyfriend. To me that is a picture I don't want my kids involved in....
Its hard enough to raise kids today with the distractions of internet and cell phones. Why legalize pot. I believe it is a bad idea!

Much rather them be high then drunk any day of the week, ever heard of an OD on weed? Ill take that over alcohol poinsening
Mike, I couldn't agree with you more. Those are realistic concerns and choices we have to make as a country/community and for the future of our society.

Having raised 4 kids of our own and now with three grandkids we understand and acknowledge that it is a battle and challenge to help them stay on the straight and narrow.

But prohibition is no great success either. A parents greatest achievement just might be raising their kids to be able to think for themselves and be good decision makers.

But if "they" decide at some point they wanna "Live a little", being illegal won't keep them from being exposed or having access to it. If they want it, they can get it, just as with booze or cigarettes.

Now see what you did... I was have'n fun and now I'm an old fogy again. :)
I do respect everyones personal views and wish's on this.

Another little memory side note, I do recall that we (my brother and friends ) kind of had an agreement and code of ethic, that no matter what, we never, NEVER, touched or messed with any sort of real drugs or narcotics. We sort of watched over each other in that way. And to my knowledge, none of us ever did.

I'm done and good night.
If pot is so harmless and only mellows you out and legalization is just about letting your 15 year old daughter smoke it up for a night on the town. Just a bong or two ...maybe a joint. Then hit a party with other smokers and drinkers. Without any adults around , after all it will be in the house if its legal or at the store for purchase by her 18 year old boyfriend. To me that is a picture I don't want my kids involved in....
Its hard enough to raise kids today with the distractions of internet and cell phones. Why legalize pot. I believe it is a bad idea!

15 year old daughter with an 18 year old boyfriend? EEK
Also, the law (in CO) is you must be 21 years old or older to purchase recreational cannabis. So back to being silly, is your 15 year old daughter dating a 21 year old now?
In a college writing class...the professor had us answer a question and then had to support our answer! The class was pretty much divided down the middle. The answer was yes or no.

The question..."Does obscenity and profanity benefit society?"

The strongest point the "yes" side came up is that when some one uses curse words than you know they are being serious. Each side of the class was broken into four group had the strongest argument out of the entire class! I was on the "no" side!

The basis of our stance...

Would you purposely teach obscenity and profanity to children? Our answer was "no!"

would you vote for a President with obscene and profane behavior? Our answer was "no!"

If you answered "no" to both of those questions...then why do we think it is ok for everyone in between the child and the President? Our answer was "it isn't!"

If you asked the question "Do you think alcohol and weed benefit society?" My basic argument would be the same!
There's also another side to this to consider.
Like buying Moonshine or other backwoods home brewed alcohols you have no idea what your getting or how it was made. Is it safe to drink? Will it poisen me?
With illegal pot it's the same risk. Always has been. It was always best to buy from someone you knew and trusted. And if you've smoked enough of it over time, you'll come accross some weed that you can tell has something in it that shouldn't be there.

With some Federal oversight and control you might be able to regain some control and build in some safeties to this.

Another thought, and this ones a biggy:
Who doesn't support the American farmer? This could be the greatest cash crop for the American farmer if they will let it happen and control it? Maybe?????

I worried far more about my kids smoking cigarrettes than smoking pot. As a twice quit ex-smoker, I have experienced the agony and trials of breaking that addiction.

Alcohol and tobacco legallization was voted by adults for the use by adults, not kids.
Hey if it's on Google it's gotta be true 100 % ! Right!?
No one wins the debate on booze vs pot . It can be swayed depending on what your take is . All joking aside , no one is brainwashing anyone , some support some don't . Welcome to pit racer Turk !
Alcohol was never mentioned and should not be put with cannabis. Alcohol is deadly, it destroys are society,and it is the gateway drug. That is a fact please do your research. Cannabis does have benefits to the society medical and recreational. Not one person has ever OD on cannabis it is not possible. There was a study that came out a few months ago. Goggle it please
cannabis users have a thinner more healthy body type. They reduce there chances of developing sugar. Controls epilepsy. The list goes on. I'm 35 years old and I can ride 30mins plus to laps all day everyday. This is possible because I don't drink Alcohol. View attachment 13971

I just really dig this picture, and the god honest truth about it. I do drink don't get me wrong but would much rather partake in other "recreations" And yes everyone will have their own opinions on it.
I think its a great idea to legalize it, but why is it every pot smoker thinks this means its game on to get high 24/7. I mean I love drinking, a lot, but in no way shape or form would I even consider drinking at work or while Im doing something that takes responsibility. Every stoner seems to think getting high all day is A Ok . Guess Im just sick and tired of working with braindead zombies.
Also, the law (in CO) is you must be 21 years old or older to purchase recreational cannabis. So back to being silly, is your 15 year old daughter dating a 21 year old now?

The point I am making is that being legal a couple may try the drug because it is legal. A legal substance like Alcohol more than likely will be tried by almost every person at some point in there life. I do not want my kids exposed to any substance that the sole purpose for using is to get high. Believe it or not everyone who tries alcohol does not get drunk and some have never tried it.
My other point is that in todays society getting people high is used for other reasons like cohersing people to do things they would not normally do if they were not high. Now that I am on the other side of the coin and am no longer a drug user I an see why and how my actions were detrimental to society and myself.

The notion that you can be a daily marijuana user and function to your best ability just shows how much of a fog you can be in. When you are in that world you limit yourself in ways you don't even know. While you may be functioning and appear to be doing well in most cases that is not the case. Just because you can win races does not mean in all areas of your life that you are the best you could be.

They are touting the pot as recreational in Colorado not medicinal. So should we have recreational Morphine? Cocaine? LSD ? Heroin? Does that make sense?

In my faith any item used in excess keeps you from honoring God and becomes your God. It could be gambling. Sex. Even motocross. The fact that pot is illegal and it is still used shows a lack of respect for the law of this land as well as erosion of our moral society in general. If it becomes legal I will accept it but steer my kids from it because of its purpose in there lives. The same goes for alcohol.
We all make our own decisions and decide what is best for ourselves I choose to not have pot in my life. I robbed myself of many things that today I cherish.
Booze impairs you ability to function cannabis does not.
Legalize and start spreading the truth no more lies.
Live to ride and I am a proud cannaibis user.

LMFAO! Due you must have been smoking when you typed this! There isnt one study for or against legalization that claims this! This mentality proves your ignorance. I suppose you are on e of those who say " you cant even tell Im high" .... I love that one. People know, they just dont say anything. And if you are high on the job then you should be punished. You ARE impaired and putting yourself and others in danger. How many times have you heard drunk people say the same thing "I drive better drunk" ..... sounds similar to "I produced more than the other workers". Bad argument dude. Another great one.....pot heads only stay home and get high! LOL..... everyone I have ever known that smokes has driven high. Or Smokers dont drink. Great one....Most of the cannabis users I know drink as well....and as EVERY study you find will tell you that is the absolute worst combination for impairment.

Damn it....I was done with this post.

Im out
Much rather them be high then drunk any day of the week, ever heard of an OD on weed? Ill take that over alcohol poinsening

When your kids get older you let them get high then.....lets see how that works for ya! Think it will make the family photo album?
The point I am making is that being legal a couple may try the drug because it is legal. A legal substance like Alcohol more than likely will be tried by almost every person at some point in there life. I do not want my kids exposed to any substance that the sole purpose for using is to get high. Believe it or not everyone who tries alcohol does not get drunk and some have never tried it.
My other point is that in todays society getting people high is used for other reasons like cohersing people to do things they would not normally do if they were not high. Now that I am on the other side of the coin and am no longer a drug user I an see why and how my actions were detrimental to society and myself.

You contradicted yourself pretty hard in this paragraph. A legal substance like alcohol more than likely will be tried by every person, and then some people will never try it? And you are confusing beer muscles with weed muscles. The latter I have never heard of.

Regardless, if someone wants to try alcohol bad enough before they are 21, or marijuana at any age - they are going to do it.

The notion that you can be a daily marijuana user and function to your best ability just shows how much of a fog you can be in. When you are in that world you limit yourself in ways you don't even know. While you may be functioning and appear to be doing well in most cases that is not the case. Just because you can win races does not mean in all areas of your life that you are the best you could be.

By becoming a dependent user of ANY drug (alcohol/tobacco/caffeine/whatever) you are hurting yourself mentally and physically. Laws will not protect you from that and that is not what they are there for.

They are touting the pot as recreational in Colorado not medicinal. So should we have recreational Morphine? Cocaine? LSD ? Heroin? Does that make sense?
I don't believe our government should be able to outlaw some drugs and push others as A-OK. Decriminalize it all and let natural selection work the rest out.

In my faith any item used in excess keeps you from honoring God and becomes your God. It could be gambling. Sex. Even motocross. The fact that pot is illegal and it is still used shows a lack of respect for the law of this land as well as erosion of our moral society in general.

Now it all makes sense.
When your kids get older you let them get high then.....lets see how that works for ya! Think it will make the family photo album?

Will you let your kids get drunk before the family photo? I don't get what you're trying to imply.