Trump daddy

Thanks Geogie but I'll pass on the survey. Fun maybe but too flawed for a reliable candidate pick. A lot of interpretation and attribution by the survey creators. Did time truely begin with this election cycle? One candidate definitely benefits if that's the case.
No take it and see what it says. I figured it wouldn't be right.

I'm not saying I is right. But the questions it asks makes you think. And there are more than just yes and no. So you can see how others might think. Kinda cool little survey.
Take this survey. And post your results. A lot of issues to answer on. Interesting answers. My fiancé was most in support of Carson.

What's not to respect and admire about Carson ?
His intelligence, patience, intentions and purpose sets him heads and shoulders above the group. Unfortunately he's boding to lead in deep congressional and worldly waters filled with man eating sharks.

We are in need of an aggressive Hawk, not another Dove.
(even if he's a little short on the IQ range) :D
What's not to respect and admire about Carson ?
His intelligence, patience, intentions and purpose sets him heads and shoulders above the group. Unfortunately he's boding to lead in deep congressional and worldly waters filled with man eating sharks.

We are in need of an aggressive Hawk, not another Dove.
(even if he's a little short on the IQ range) :D
Well Kristi is genuinely a good hearted woman. Wasn't surprised she was labeled as a Carson supporter. She's got a good mix of conservatism and liberalism. I should keep her around. She's keeps me level on politics i get pretty pissy about some stuff. It's good to have her opinion to settle me downs a bit haha
Trump is a post-constitutional, Washington establishment, crony capitalist. His support continues to come from pent-up frustration with the Republican establishment and the system in general. But Trump is and always has been a creature of the system. He has been acting superior and powerful while spouting his "beautiful", populist nonsense. He's the wizard behind the curtain. And it all has been so easy (too easy?) so far. But what happens when the curtain is finally pulled to reveal the real Donald?

KO's correct on this. Trump will "USE" the existing establishment system to the fullest extent, and will likely alter little in the structure during his tenure, and this is simply because they aren't going to let him dismantle it. But he will work with it and get things done that otherwise you may never see get done.

I'll take it a step further that it's time for Trump to drop the backbiting, amateur, unprofessional behaviors and return to the message of what he can do for the country. It's time, and he's wasting his opportunity while he has our attention.
If he doesn't, the Clinton/Democrat Media Machine will erode away his image methodically one snippit at a time and the country will be stuck with her.

Sadly, I'm still not a fan of any of the candidates, except maybe Ben Carson, but again we don't need another Nice Guy.
Witnessing this democratic disaster in South Carolina, both reminds me of why the electoral college system exist, and importance of it, while causing me night sweats as to how damaging it will be if we end up with the other Clinton in the highest office in our land.

I openly admit to all of you... I am losing faith in our country to govern itself. Our system is broken, and is in desperate need of an overhaul fast!
Well Kristi is genuinely a good hearted woman. Wasn't surprised she was labeled as a Carson supporter. She's got a good mix of conservatism and liberalism. I should keep her around. She's keeps me level on politics i get pretty pissy about some stuff. It's good to have her opinion to settle me downs a bit haha

And my Nancy as well. She's the ultimate believer and faithful till the end.
Regrettably, she voted for Obama (1st term), she thought it just felt right. She has definite buyers remorse now. (especially after he flip-flop "LIED" over the defensive marriage act.)
Exactly, they raised prices, they lowered coverage and sold fewer policies than anticipated. They lost money because of this scenario. Obamacare doesn't work. You proved my point.

Obamacare was never intended to make insurance company's money. Obamacare works for exactly what it managed to be passed for - insuring more people against catastrophe. Barely that.

But the fact that an insurance company can't make money in a market where the customers are subsidized says way
more about the insurance company than Obamacare. If one of my employees set a price to a customer that
didn't make us money, they'd be written up to make sure it only happened one more time and then never again. While actuarial estimates for a marketplace that had hundreds of pages of bloat involved would be even harder than
what we do (what we do can be really hard), fixing it doesn't mean Obamacare is a failure. It means you
screwed the pooch.

There are other reasons Obamacare is a failure.
I'm curious how the poll Georgie points to knows what Trump thinks since he changes
nearly daily?

Note that I don't think that's a bad thing. He's my choice for Republifuck nominee.
Georgie, who say insurance companies are losing money? Not according to the stocks. Right?

I am asking not telling....
Georgie, who say insurance companies are losing money? Not according to the stocks. Right?

I am asking not telling....

They are still making stupid profits, just losing on the Market place policies. Not enough healthy people are purchasing them and as they raise prices to cover the expenditures they are losing more customers.
OK so as a whole they are making money, but if you break out all policies in the market place they are losing.

Got it, that is because if I tell my employees go to the market place they will leave. so I have to pay the higher price. got it.

Market place is cheaper than what I am paying, but I cant send my guys there.
It's cheaper than what you are paying because the coverage is terrible. One of the things they keep.doing is passing the medical expenses onto the policy holder. Yay, I have insurance ! Then your medical bills show up and you realize your deductible is 6000. Then what? And if you beat that your policy is 70/30 with a 15k out of pocket max. Why bother.
Right, each year I pay more and my benefits shrink. But the marketplace can't even touch what I have. My job is self-insured. And they're huge so I'm sure that's a good reason on why we stay low cost

Plus the govt gives grants to those companies that make insurees enroll In a healthy choice program and meet goals. Like smoking cessation, weight watchers equivalents and other things. Asthma control etc...

My job has 4 tiers. Platinum to bronze. Platinum is the lowest premium. (Which is still 40% more than the lowest single tier program before ACA) bronze is the highest premium. It's almost double the cost. If people do nothing they get bronze and they pay for it. But the company still gets the grant because they offer the tiered program to enroll in. If you jump through hoops it makes your insurance about half the cost.
My wife went to work as a broker rep for Anthem Blue Cross back in November. They just announced to their brokers, that they are paying NO commissions to the brokers on any individual health policies outside of open enrollment. The adverse selection on them is horrible. People get the policies, use the insurance and drop the polices, because they are guaranteed issue. These people have to have a qualifying event to get on these outside of OE, but what broker is going to spend time explaining all the opinions to a consumer if they make NOTHING on the product? That is Anthems way of getting brokers to NOT sell the products.
Bullshit sturd. They can't continue to raise prices , cut benefits and expect to sell policies. It's obamacare. .... the laws involved changed everything.

Why is it you don't believe when the insurance companies clearly say they are losing money on the market place policies and that's why they are pulling out???
There is no rule in Obamacare setting prices on the marketplace. Go look it up.

This is why you aren't understanding the argument.