Trump daddy

That is incorrect. The sequester was written into the Budget Control Act of 2011 by republicans. They then had the
opportunity to pass a full budget before the sequester took effect two years later but failed to put anything before
the president to sign.

The sequester was a product of the republican congress.

We can split hairs over who's idea it was, but the bottom line is, Obama signed the BCA into legislation, and then it was the failure of the SUPER COMMITTEE to make the Budget Control Act plans to happen. Obama knew the risk, he knew what was in the Bill when he signed it. He gambled.

Legislative history[edit] (Wikipedia)

On August 2, 2011, President Obama signed the Budget Control Act of 2011 as part of an agreement with Congress to resolve the debt-ceiling crisis. The Act provided for a Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction (the "super committee") to produce legislation by late November that would decrease the deficit by $1.2 trillion over ten years. When the super committee failed to act,[9] another part of the BCA went into effect. This directed automatic across-the-board cuts (known as "sequestrations") split evenly between defense and domestic spending, beginning on January 2, 2013.

The sequestration became a major topic of the fiscal cliff debate. The debate's resolution, the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (ATRA), eliminated much of the tax side of the dispute but only delayed the budget sequestrations for two months, thus reducing the original $110 billion to be saved per fiscal year to $85 billion in 2013.[10]


And on the Republican congress failing to pass a full budget for the President to sign.... I recall there were numerous budget attempts, but by the time they cut out all of the BS spending the Dems and Senate stuffed in, at that point there wasn't any way it would pass back through the senate, or would of been signed by Obama. This was one time that I was actually proud of the Boehner and McConnell for standing ground.

The part that always amazed me, is how Reid, Pelosi, and many others have spun the whole sequestration event off as the Republican parties fault.
If he wins the presidency why would that guarantee losing the majority in the in congress? If republicans vote him in they will keep the majority also wouldnt they?

Yea they would, but we've seen this movie before.
For the first two years of his term the Dems and their media machine would make it absolute hell for Trump and the Repub party. Everything would be made to look like a scandalous mess. Much the same as they constantly hammered at GW Bush's image by repeatedly calling him a "miserable failure" every time they got camera face time.

There was talk Sunday morning on the talk shows that Paul Ryan and others are already concerned with how they are going to protect from losing vital, and at-risk seats in both chambers of congress, in both the 2016 elections, and thereafter. All because the threat of Trump winning.

Then you have the old establishment GOP members, who hated Trump in the first place, resent that he got the gig, and are having to kiss the ass's of their special interest donors for not being able to prevent Trump from winning in the first place when they spent hundreds of millions of dollars trying to snuff him out. They aren't ever going to be loyal to the Donald as POTUS.

The newer younger GOP members will be scared for their future in politics so will beholding to their constituant's wish's, as well as the House and Senate Party' Whip's demands, despite Trumps plans and visions.

It seems as though Trump is only supported and loved by his voters, and hated by everybody in Washington, (as well as the Washington puppet handlers).

I know I'm putting the cart before the horse on all of this, and calling out "falling sky" but it just shows you how much of a cynic I've become about all of this.
Hell I'm not even worried about the Trump nomination, and told the wife that I may in fact step out of my independent non partisan views and throw my vote to Sanders. " Not because I want Sanders to win, but it's one more vote that lessens the chances of Hillary from winning, which in turn, improves the republicans shot at the white house. How screwed up is that!
We can split hairs over who's idea it was, but the bottom line is, Obama signed the BCA into legislation, and then it was the failure of the SUPER COMMITTEE to make the Budget Control Act plans to happen.
You are absolutely correct. The congress controls the budget. The Prez signs off on whatever they came up with (or not).
Republifuck debate in 12 minutes. Next to last one. LET'S DO THIS!

Opening more of Momma Mike's cider in 3 - 2 - 1....
Being overly conservative, and only owning an antennae, I wasn't able to get CNN on my free TV. :D

I did try to stream it live on the computer but ran into too much internet BS and gave up.
I have not seen a debate yet. I just read about it which is always out of context one way or another.
I had a band concert to go to, would have loved to be there.

We need trump in there one term to just mess the place up, turn DC upside down .
Let impeach some people shoot a few, some waterboarding . Yes, I am one of trumps hateful followers .
Let's execute a few people and let some lazy SOB,s starve to death. I am not paying their way anymore.
Not sure how, maybe I will grow a beard and move to Amish country.