Trump daddy

If he wins the presidency why would that guarantee losing the majority in the in congress? If republicans vote him in they will keep the majority also wouldnt they?

This was in the news again last night. The Democratic party leaders and strategist are already doing the legwork to take back control of Congress. They want complete control of Washington. They want to use Trump as an example of what is wrong with the Republican Party as a whole, and they intend to make a spectacle of him. And the Republican leadership are freaking out that Trump will cause them to lose the majorities they now hold.

Here's what you have in this Novembers election:

A total of 469 seats in the U.S. Congress (34 Senate seats and all 435 House seats) are up for election on November 8, 2016.

The big story of the 2016 congressional election cycle is whether or not the Democratic Party will be able to regain control of the Senate. In order to take the chamber back, Democrats will need to gain five seats in 2016, a difficult but not impossible task. The majority of vulnerable seats are held by Republican incumbents, many of whom are freshmen who were swept into office in the Republican wave of 2010. Additionally, Democrats only have 10 seats to defend in 2016, while 24 Republican incumbents are up for re-election.
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Whenever I watch Trump and I have watched all the debates, I wonder if he really wants the job he is applying for or if he is just loving the attention, the fight, and the circus of the chase. I think it is a rush for him.

Has this 70 year old really thought hard about what it will take to actually do the job.

"Trump won't do or say something for a vote" - that what he does best and he readily admits anything he says is just politics - yet he is not a politician??? I see him as just as full of garbage as all the others, but with quick wit, a loud mouth, a bully first temperament, and a knack for tuning into people's fears, anger, and emotions.

I just can't ever see myself symbolically raising my right hand and pledging “I do solemnly swear that I, no matter how I feel, no matter what the conditions, if there are hurricanes or whatever, will vote on or before the 12th for Donald J. Trump for president.” That is just way too creepy for me.

19xx-1987 Democrat
1987-1999 Republican
1999-2001 Reform Party
2001-2009 Democrat
2009-2011 Republican
2011-2012 Independent
2012-20?? Republican
I'd like to think trump could appoint smart people in his cabinet that will help him in his decisions. He's probably good at surrounding himself with intellgient people to leach off.

What I don't know is, will he repeal obamacare? What is he replacing it with ? That'll be just as shitty if it's govt run. The only thing I think he would actually get done, or that he campaigns on is building a wall. Not sure how to conjugate policy out of the word winning. But he makes people believe it.
Well that's a mother thing that makes me wonder. He changes his stances daily. He generalizes reform but doesn't zero in on it and explain it. And if he does, three weeks later he might have a different zero. His books just says it's terrible. Bad. Probably made by good intentions and bad people. But it's a loser program. I'm gonna replace with something huge. Better. Booming. More winning.

"We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country. By following free market principles and working together to create sound public policy that will broaden healthcare access, make healthcare more affordable and improve the quality of the care available to all Americans."

He didn't tell me how he's goOMG to get it passed.

Hm...who else spoke of healthcare like Donald is....obammy : "You can keep your health plan, you can keep your doctor"

Figure out a way to hold other governments responsible for their people. Force them to pay for all the healthcare we provide. If you could implement that Mexico would build a wall over night and US smugglers would be digging tunnels and bussing them to hospitals. Because the Mexican government would have to pay for their citizens sucking the healthcare system dry. Pipe dream.

Congress won't help trump. Congress doesn't care about ACA. They don't have to abide by it. They probably don't give a s**t about keeping their doctor at Walter reed. Because they're keeping their doctor.
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Some coworkers and I were discussing the candidates and their stance on issues and I subscribed to Cruz's daily mail. Got this in my inbox this morning:

Dear Mike,

Today Ted Cruz is back on the trail in Wisconsin and meeting with people who understand what good government reform does to boost jobs and wages.

Under Governor Scott Walker’s leadership, the people of Wisconsin have seen the number of individuals out of the work force – those who aren’t looking for work – decrease by nearly half. Compare that to the results of President Obama’s agenda: in the same timeframe, the number of people nationwide who are out of the workforce has increased by 8 percent – that means even more people from coast to coast have given up even looking for jobs.

But we know how to change course – we enact a nationwide plan similar to Governor Walker’s. We lower taxes, break up the big business union bosses, undo the job-crushing regulations, and let the people create new jobs and build up their communities. We know what works; we just need a president with the will to get it done – and Ted Cruz has proven that he’ll fight every day for working men and women so that every family can achieve the American dream.

Alice Stewart
Communications Director


There we go again. This is exactly why there are so many Americans who are so deeply entrenched in their political views about the parties.
You could be a right leaning ultra conservative, but if you're hard working dues paying member of a Labor organization, you've got Big Ted working against you. It's sad that the candidates haven't discussed issues like this openly, but clearly it's business as usual with Cruz.

Republicans Hate Unions!
Republicans Hate Unions!

As should everyone.

I know, here we go again......

Lets be honest here, not all unions are bad. When unions started they were needed but now the majority of large unions have simply driven labor costs through the roof while creating a mentality of laziness and entitlement. I have many friends in different types of unions and they all complain about coworkers with those issues. I know first hand of guys that sit on the books and wait for the big jobs so they can go to work and not do anything.

I have one question for you, if you dont like Bernie Sanders agenda how could you possibly support a union? Is not a union a socialist entity? Everyone gets the same pay and benefits regardless of their ability. Your employer, as part of your benefit package, pays for health insurance regardless of whether or not you need it.

Nothing about those unions create an environment that gives a worker an incentive to do better or to give them sense of being cared for and part of teh company they work for. Union brotherhood is socialism.
I worked for and retired from ( with 30+ years of service ) a manufacturing company that was a closed union shop ; you had to join the union to work there .

Here are some FACTS :

Not everyone was paid the same . The janitor didn't make the same pay as the worker in a skilled position , or craftsman , etc. . .

Most jobs had an incentive rate additive , so the better and more you produced , the more money you would make .

If you did not perform the job requirements ( spelled out in a written job description ) you could be retrogressed to a lower class occupation , given time off , or even fired under certain circumstances .

Benefits were the same for all ,as negotiated between the union and company in a contract , as reason to stay and work swing shifts ( hell ) under sometimes very hazardous conditions in very unsavory environments ( ie. - asbestos , caustic fumes , dust , radiation , strong electrical fields , etc. ).

EVERYONE needs health insurance - period . We are human and do get sick , injured , and die . That was negotiated as part of our benefits , again as reason to stay employed there . " Regardless of whether or not you need it " is maybe one of the dumbest statements I've ever seen here on PR , and that is saying something .

The company made profit every year , under every contract it had with the union . Some contracts we got more , some contracts we lost wages and benefits with the ebb and flow of the industry .

Those are indisputable FACTS . Now here is my opinion . " The Company " and " The Union " are not entities ; they are comprised of people , good and bad . I got screwed by both the company and the union at different times . It seemed like both looked for loopholes in the contract to exploit . I worked at non-union jobs before this ; the big corporation who employed me under union contract treated me worse than any of those other employers . I got out as soon as I could get full retirement benefits because those that stayed and worked more years , under the conditions present in the factory, usually didn't live real long . Sure they got more $$ but they just didn't survive long enough to enjoy it . As much as I bit%$ed about the company , I did earn a good wage there and it paid my bills with decent benefits . As much as I bit%$ed about the union , they protected my contractual rights and kept me from being treated like a serf under a feudal lord . In my opinion , as flawed as they may be , unions are still necessary and serve a purpose in large industry , employing larger amounts of workers .
You're mainly seeing the negatives, and yes, there are a lot of them.

Let me put it this way:
George Baker is a bright, young, hard working individual that had enough sense about him to put himself through college to open some doors of opportunity that otherwise wouldn't be available. Georgie has paid a very high price for this education. He has also done his internship and has paid his dues to get where he is at. George is becoming incredibly well skilled in his chosen profession. He even works the "s**t-shifts" that others won't, but he does it so that he can earn a good living, at a good wage, and build a strong future for himself. And he even has enough good sense to live conservatively and put away a bit each week, for his eventual retirement. And he'll do this for the next 45 years.

Now, first you have all of these welfare case freeloaders coming in to get Georgies services on the taxpayers dime. And then you have the incessant greed demands of the corporation that he works for, who will be forever demanding more, more, more, for less, and with less. This corporation wants Georgie to forever be completely flexible, in every possible way, and they, like many and most greedy corporations, have notorious track records of abusing employees, and will retaliate if Georgie screams for any employee rights of his own. Georgie has to fight for every pay increase, has been passed over for promotions or better positions because of nepotism and workplace politics. And everytime he gets a new boss, the same old crap begins all over again. 10 years into his career, Georgie becomes increasingly aggravated. And then the news arrives that the company is now going to screw with his hard earned retirement benefits.

What's Georgie do????? Georgie and his coworkers get fed up, and vote to unionize for collective bargaining rights.

Oh and let's not forget how Congress and the Presidents have the ability to just vote in their own pay and benefits increases. An example is Obama's proposal to increase pay and benefits for retired presidents. (pay increase 18%).

We are Professional. We're not interested in kissing anybody's ass to be recognized as star employees of the month. We just want to do what we do without all the BS. And many of us are very, very good at what we do and get sick and tired of having to defend or prove ourselves over and over to idiot's that are F****ing clueless.

Every job isn't in the capitalistic private sector. And you just aren't going to have those same "A Valued Member of the Team" environments. If you are a city employee who manages the Municipal Sewer Plant, you're not going to work with the same motivations or mentality as an employee of a Building Contractor, or Software Development company. And yet that City employee was required to have at least an Environmental Bachelor Degree, makes himself available 24hrs a day, 365 days a year, and manages a lot of stressful job requirements and accountability. He is entitled to a good wage and benefits for that, and shouldn't have to fight, beg or grovel for it.
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For the first time this election, I am worried. There is a theory I just came across that it may be possible, with a third party
candidate, to deny either the Democrap or Republifuck candidate the 270 electoral votes needed to become president.
Third party dude would have to get a few states but this scenario is more probable than Bernie being the nominee.

Without 270 votes, the House of Representatives decides between top three electoral vote getters.
Then we could be stuck with whoever the republifucks made the third party dude.
Common Sense.


EVERYONE needs health insurance - period . We are human and do get sick , injured , and die . That was negotiated as part of our benefits , again as reason to stay employed there . " Regardless of whether or not you need it " is maybe one of the dumbest statements I've ever seen here on PR , and that is saying something .


If you are going to stoop to the level of insults then I say this comment above is even more stupid.

Point being, I have friends in the union who either have spouses or parents who cover their health benefits. In that circumstance they do not need the coverage from the union. On top of that regardless if you are a young single guy with zero health issues or a 45 year old with a spouse and 6 children there are unions that it costs the same to the employer to cover them both.