Is anyone else sickk of the presidential campaign yet?

I will not step on anyone's toes or try to persuade anyone either way, but I watched the movie Obama 2016-Love him or hate him, you don't know him. I was completely's conducted in a very factual manner and is incredibly informative on what makes Obama the man he is.

I have then since read numerous articles on Democrats who have switched sides after seeing the movie and doing their own research. I believe this is part of the reason Donald Trump made his announcement yesterday.

I encourage any of you to see the movie....
Back to this again!

You have to ask WHY? Why would these people spend SO much money to be elected to a position that pays something like $400K a year!

This sh!T is crazy. Capitol Hill is bought and payed for by so many of the elite and special interest groups. No matter Who gets in office you don't think that once in the seat they are not owned by the people that got them there. It's shameful and disgusting to me. And very sad that the choices we have are "evil or lesser of two evils".
As for the facts, Or trying to find them. I for one can't tell the Muckraking from the facts...
All I can do is try and use my own common sense and as to the integrity (or lack of) of the person. Which is difficult to do.
On the PBS program "Frontline", they ran an interesting documentary back on October 9th.

The Choice 2012: A journey into the places, people and decisive moments that made the men who are competing for presidency.

It can still be viewed on PBS's website. One of the interesting aspects was that throughout Obama's climb to the top, he has never really accomplished or built anything. He rose, or was hand selected and groomed basically because of his public communication skills.

I also found it ironic that the documentary showed Romneys strengths, background and accomplishments pretty well, and yet Romney wants to defund and elliminate PBS.
The only reason I want to vote this time is to get the Oshow out of there..... My only concern is to do my part to stop the bleeding! We cant continue to BORROW money from China and INCREASE our spending! While I understand peoples dismay at Romney's idea of cutting funding to PBS ( Big Bird! Lol) his message is its time to cut unnecessary spending. Its a hard choice to cut spending anywhere, no matter where you cut spending it is going to upset some one. There isnt any person in the USA that wants to give up their part to help reduce the deficit. As a country we shouldnt be run any different than anyone does at home or like I do ( and every other small business does), operate with in a budget!!! Obama has done nothing but make the government larger and increase spending.....Almost doubling our deficit in 4 years when he promised to cut it in half or leave office.......

People think we are so great and large that what has happened in places in Europe ( like Greece ) cant happen here.....take a good look at history! It has happened to every single world power.

Rant over!
I question if the spending issues have gotten out of control because of his lack of control.

John Corby on 610WTVN was talking last week that Hillary now has something like 66,000 US State Dept employees now.
The Gov web site shows:

Including the military, the Executive Branch of the white house employs more than 4 million people.

The Secretary of State (Hillary Clinton), serves as the President's top foreign policy adviser, and oversees 30,000 employees and a budget of approximately $35 billion.

And not sure if any of you have heard this or not but since she has been the Secretary, Hillary has visited more countries in her 4 year stint than any other US Secretary of State in United States history. She has flown to and visited over 100 countries. She thinks she is a Rock star and on World Tour!

And you know she has a very large security detail and entourage that travels with her. I even question if she still really isn't the one who is in charge. (again!)

When you look at the amount of people in tax supported City, County, State, and Federal employment jobs, it's a staggering number. Then try and find out how many are private sector?
If you don’t like either candidate, think of it this way: You have $1 with which to pay for your grandchildren’s financial future. On your left is a toilet, and on your right is a lottery ticket. You know what will happen if you flush your dollar down the toilet, because you have been flushing money down that toilet for 4 years. You know the odds of winning a lottery are very slim, but at least if you buy that ticket there is a tiny window of hope. This election, you can either flush the toilet or buy the lottery ticket. By the way, this could easily be applied to our senate race.
Here in lies the problem.
We as the general public rely on the media for most of our information. Unfortunately the media is most influenced by those with biased views or opinions, Regardless if it is Personal reasons, or for ratings, or whatever.
Those who report this information tend to view things from their perspective. I am sure Britain's perspective of our founding fathers was not as honorable as ours here in the US in the late 1700's, "See what I am getting at". You have to find the facts yourself and not rely on the media or information that may be altered or filtered. Very difficult to do.
On the PBS program "Frontline", they ran an interesting documentary back on October 9th.

The Choice 2012: A journey into the places, people and decisive moments that made the men who are competing for presidency.

It can still be viewed on PBS's website. One of the interesting aspects was that throughout Obama's climb to the top, he has never really accomplished or built anything. He rose, or was hand selected and groomed basically because of his public communication skills.

I also found it ironic that the documentary showed Romneys strengths, background and accomplishments pretty well, and yet Romney wants to defund and elliminate PBS.

Here in lies the problem.
We as the general public rely on the media for most of our information. Unfortunately the media is most influenced by those with biased views or opinions, Regardless if it is Personal reasons, or for ratings, or whatever.
Those who report this information tend to view things from their perspective. I am sure Britain's perspective of our founding fathers was not as honorable as ours here in the US in the late 1700's, "See what I am getting at". You have to find the facts yourself and not rely on the media or information that may be altered or filtered. Very difficult to do.
On the PBS program "Frontline", they ran an interesting documentary back on October 9th.

The Choice 2012: A journey into the places, people and decisive moments that made the men who are competing for presidency.

It can still be viewed on PBS's website. One of the interesting aspects was that throughout Obama's climb to the top, he has never really accomplished or built anything. He rose, or was hand selected and groomed basically because of his public communication skills.

I also found it ironic that the documentary showed Romneys strengths, background and accomplishments pretty well, and yet Romney wants to defund and elliminate PBS.

Here in lies the problem.
We as the general public rely on the media for most of our information. Unfortunately the media is most influenced by those with biased views or opinions, Regardless if it is Personal reasons, or for ratings, or whatever.
Those who report this information tend to view things from their perspective. I am sure Britain's perspective of our founding fathers was not as honorable as ours here in the US in the late 1700's, "See what I am getting at". You have to find the facts yourself and not rely on the media or information that may be altered or filtered. Very difficult to do.
I bet if rich old Romney threw his presidential salary out the window, he could win.....c'mon! It's not like he needs more money cuz it might mess up his 14% tax rate....
I bet if rich old Romney threw his presidential salary out the window, he could win.....c'mon! It's not like he needs more money cuz it might mess up his 14% tax rate....

In best Tonto voice... Ug, loneranger not know Mitt take no salary as Mass. Gov.? Need explanation U.S. tax code including cap gains so not fall for class warfare? Know Mitt's extensive charitable contributions?
Here in lies the problem.
We as the general public rely on the media for most of our information. Unfortunately the media is most influenced by those with biased views or opinions, Regardless if it is Personal reasons, or for ratings, or whatever.
Those who report this information tend to view things from their perspective. I am sure Britain's perspective of our founding fathers was not as honorable as ours here in the US in the late 1700's, "See what I am getting at". You have to find the facts yourself and not rely on the media or information that may be altered or filtered. Very difficult to do.

You make a good point there. The documentary certainly does not persuade me in either direction, and overall I find the Frontline documentaries to be interesting and educational as they spill out the goods and bads on all involved.

If a person is wise and experienced enough, they can read between the lines of most all of what the news industry is telling us, and weed out the BS and get to the truth. And you can't buy any of it, from either party at full face value.
But there is enough different people out there talking that if you are listening, you will hear what most "aren't" telling you, example being that GW Bush will forever be viewed for the actions and results of his presidency, but the fact of the matter is Dick Cheney was the power player behind the scenes. And now you have the exact same thing going on with Obama and David Axlerod.
I here you and understand your point and I am fully aware of my enfluences and try my best to think for myself in these matters. This documentary did not persuade me in either direction, and overall I find most all of the Frontline documentaries to be interesting and educational, and they seemed to spill out the goods and bads on all involved.

If your wise and experienced enough, you can read between the lines of most all of what the news industry is telling you, and weed out the BS and get to the truth. I don't buy any of it, from either party at full face value. But there is enough different people out there talking that if you are listening, you will hear what most aren't telling you.

Not trying to be condescending to any one, but It has been my life experience that many people just are unable or unwilling to read between the lines, and they simply follow the herd blindly.

I just wish that when people headed to the polls (regardless of who or what they are voting for or against) they had a better understanding of the choices they are making, and not base their decisions on a 7 second commercial, or a joke they heard around the water cooler.

(I know this next statement is way out there, but here goes.)
I wish in some way there would be some sort of questionnaire, or something, qualifying Voters on the issues, and policies of the candidates, that are on the ballot. If you don't know the basics, how can you consciously make a valid vote?

I know how that sounds, but I personally am so passionate about my country, That I hate knowing that so many superficial votes are cast on such important decisions. I have voted both DEM. and REP. Because I base my choices for what I believe is best for America or my children or my fellow man, not simply Partisan or other biased influence.
Politics are very upsetting to me, as I said. I care very deeply about our country, and how it effects our lives.

I agree with the uneducated voter......try once to find a complete unbiased fact on any candidate or issue. I believe at least 90% of voters don't have a clue. Hell I don't believe I do. I simply don't trust any info I read to be totally accurate.
Hillary Clinton is a big supportor of elliminating Electoral College. She believes that in popular vote, between the Latinos and women voters she could clinch the presidency, and that was a big part in how she got her New York Senate seat.

After I heard that I was glad we had it!